The 2nd Amendment protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms as part of a well regulated militia from federal infringement. IF the state government deigns not to organize a militia, there's no need for second amendment protection, is there? If the state later organizes a well regulated militia, the second amendment is there, ready and waiting to provide protection from federal infringement.
Of course there is. The people must be able to arm & train themselves in preparation for need, even if their representatives are foolish enough not to sponsor organization thereof outside impending crisis.
Put another personal way: I may be called up as part of the militia. Facing great and urgent need, the standing military may be inadequate, but need for soldiers still be pressing. Unable to provide suitable equipment, and having no time for training, I could face what other conscripts have found: as depicted in "Enemy at the Gates", my training could amount to "run that way", and my gear amount to "here's 5 rounds, pick up a rifle if the guy ahead of you drops his" - hardly a recipe for effective national defense. Far better I have - even if it's on my own dime and time - a good-condition M4, suitable ammo, and leisure to learn their use, so when called up I'm ready to be effective instead of merely a bullet sponge.
Thus: my right to keep and bear arms should not be infringed, as a well-regulated militia can be most rapidly and efficiently achieved to protect the security of a free state by having a populace already self-armed and self-trained, regardless of how inept and negligent the government may be in exercising its power to equip and organize a militia in less urgent times.
I finally, after years of following your posts, understand your view. I can confidently say with certainty: you are wrong, as such a view - implemented in law and upheld by courts - amounts to national suicide by codified willful ineptitude. You would have us as a populace disarmed by leaders who hold their "subjects" in contempt ... only to, in times of great crisis, call them out for defense only to find them empty-handed and incompetent. We are a country "of and by the people", and only a populace free to equip and train independent of government-organized militia can truly be "well regulated" as the Founding Fathers meant the term.