LOL.......Oh, I get it.........I'm gonna pistol whip him and then you can finish him off.....LOL.
Let's do it on the Mall in Washington. High noon.
You're On!!!!
I can just imagine the Drudge siren....developing...Hagel attacked
After dragging Senator Hagel from under the skirts of Olympia Snowe, a woman pistol whipped the squealing coward. Other senators were stunned. Arlen Spectre was frantically researching Scottish law while Sen. Byrd awoke and began quoting the KKK oath. Hildebeast Clinton sought comfort in the arms of Babs Boxer. Cape Cod Orca Kennedy and Sen. Dodd were so agitated they started doing jello shots off the tummy of a young, female page.
The tag team of McCain and Graham were last seen plucking the doll hair from the head of Joe Biden. Trent Lott was leading cheers. Diane Fineswine was screeching in abject horror at the sight of a gun.
Last seen, Dusty Harry was running hand in hand down the hall with the "mom in tennis shoes".....stay tuned for updates.