We lost simply because too many became disenchanted, and stayed home Nov 7th. Between the spending like drunken sailors, the complete refusal to handle the Mexican invasion, the constant drum-beat of negativity from the media, its no wonder enough voters were convinced to stay home.
The left wants to make Iraq the reason for the Reps losses last fall, but I am not buying!
You are spot on DC, I held my nose but am most pissed about the borders, spending, and being bullied on judges.
The President really lost his chance to make his mark on the Benches across this country.
I believe that he eventually ended up making the right decision on Roberts and Alito, both seem to be voting as advertised and have promising futures.
The "Gang of 14" led by the always angry spotlight-hog John McCain really wussed out and allowed alot of fine judges to be held up in committee. The President took the nice guy route and never challenged them.
Anyway, I digress but mean to imply that I as a "conservative" am not disenfranchised by the President's handling of the war.