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To: MadIvan
if we have to depend on Mohammed El-Whackjob in Godamnnistan in order to drive our cars

Ivan, you always post the most insightful and witty comments in these threads. I laughed out loud at this sentence. I completely agree with you about nuclear energy, I would go into fits if I were to try and convince the liberals (where I work) of the need as they immediately claim nuclear=bad!. But hey, who cares about results, right?

34 posted on 01/10/2007 4:23:54 AM PST by EarthBound (Ex Deo, gratia. Ex astris, scientia)
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To: EarthBound
My political science professor took a group of students, including myself, to a nuclear power plant in Cumbria (Sellafield). He was hoping, I think, to convince us that nuclear is dangerous and bad.

It had the opposite effect on me - the people in the plant were very cautious and there seemed to be a lot of safety measures and equipment in place. I read later that the average nuclear power plant spews far fewer cancer causing agents than the average coal plant. The air around the plant itself was clean.

This insane bias against nuclear power has to stop; renewables are not a viable form of power generation, there are not enough sites for hydro to be a viable option, and we have to get rid of fossil fuels. I want a future in which Al Qaeda's minions are reduced to trying to throw rocks as our bombers come in for another attack run.

Regards, Ivan

35 posted on 01/10/2007 4:28:28 AM PST by MadIvan (I aim to misbehave.)
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