Posted on 01/09/2007 1:00:08 PM PST by jazusamo
First Lt. Ehren Watada of the Stryker Brigade, U.S. Army, Fort Lewis, refused to obey orders to deploy to Iraq, becoming the first commissioned officer to do so. He says he opposes the war not all wars, but this one. So do we, but we cannot support his request to be excused from a posting to Iraq.
Soldiers have to go where they are ordered. That is the rule here and everywhere, and for reasons of military necessity. Watada was a volunteer, and knew that when he signed up. He knew about the Iraq war, as well: He signed up in 2003, the year of the U.S. invasion. He also should have known that once one joins the military, one loses the freedom to speak in ways that could damage soldiers' morale a restriction that includes political criticism of the military's mission. We have seen this apply to generals, which is why their criticism of the war has come from retirees. The rule also applies to lieutenants.
Watada will soon face a general court-martial in front of a military judge and jury. The judge is now deciding whether to include four charges of "conduct unbecoming an officer," which rise out of Watada's political statements, or to try him only on the charge of refusing to go to Iraq. The possible sentence for refusing to deploy is two years; for the political statements, another four years.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I served on a few boards.
Bring back the Firing Squad or hand this traitor a knife and whisper "Hari-Kari" to this scumbag!
Not mistaken, just know what would happen.
ship him out to Iraq, and put him out on patrol in Falujah... lets see if he discharges his weapon against some insurgents.
George Washington would have put the guy in front of firing squad.
I'd like to make a different comment. What's up with this liberal newspaper writing such a sensible editorial? Is the left trying to act more responsible now that they're getting back in power?
Bingo...That was the point of my posting the editorial. This position is not typical for the Seattle Times.
I have posted several other pieces on Watada and by far the vast majority of replies reflect well deserved anger and disdain.
Yesterday I posted an Editorial by the LA Times that blasted the military for calling on reporters to testify in his trial about articles they wrote.
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelologus
I (state your name) do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constituition of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the Officers appointed over me according to the regulations in Uniform Code of Military Justice, SO HELP ME GOD.
What part did EHERN WATADA not understand?
Throw the book at him.
The name Ehren means....are you ready...honorable and it's German.
The #32 post is enlisted version.
I'm done...he's not worth anymore of my time.
Yikes! Mom and dad sure got that wrong. I believe both his parents are Hawaiian, weird they'd give him that name.
Exactly!...They don't have a problem promoting the antiwar cause (especially these two) but balk when asked to verify what they wrote.
... remind me, why did we stop hanging?
I missed this fact. Could you support this claim, please? I really find this guy disgusting, and this would further deepen the disgust.
I considered myself a conscientious objector at one point when I was in, but would have NEVER deployed or acted in such a manner. My feelings were based on whether I could really kill someone. That cunundrum was solved...I could kill the enemy anytime, any place.
Just a small correction, jnygrl. He did not enlist; he received a commission as an officer in the military services from the President, and as such he has, if you will, a higher calling, one that does not allow him to publicly criticize administration policy.
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