Interesting discussion. Let's ask ourselves a few logical questions.
Australia has a population of 20 million. Our muslim population is around 350,000. We have a regular census, on which we are asked to ID our religion. (It's not compulsory to answer.)
Your population is around 300 hundred millions.
How would it be possible that you only have say, four times as many muslims in your country as we do?
It just doesn't make sense to me. It's not logical. Australia is only settled and fertile around the coastline. Its Centre is mostly desert. Your continent is filled with towns and cities! (In Australia, ostriches, wild camels, wild donkeys and kangaroos populate more territory than we do.)
I think, if you sat down with a sharp pencil, and started with your industrial cities, one at a time, beginning with would get to 1.5 million in a few minutes!
I could be wrong...but hey, there are around four hundred of them in ICELAND!