Posted on 01/04/2007 6:18:01 PM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach
President George W Bush is to change his military operations chief for Iraq and Afghanistan, US media reports say. Adm William Fallon will replace Gen John Abizaid as head of US Central Command and there will be a new ground commander in Iraq, ABC News reported.
It also said that US ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad is to replace John Bolton as US ambassador to the UN. The reports come days before Mr Bush unveils a new strategy for Iraq that could include thousands more US troops. The Pentagon has declined to comment on the reports. New troops Adm Fallon is the top military commander in the Pacific. If confirmed, the move would put an admiral in charge of two land wars. ABC said Lt Gen David Petraeus was expected to replace Gen George Casey as the leading ground commander in Iraq. In a teleconference with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki on Thursday Mr Bush agreed there should be "sufficient" security forces in Baghdad, the White House said.
The BBC's Justin Webb in Washington says there could be perhaps as many as 18,000 extra troops, a policy that is likely to bring gasps of disbelief from many of the president's supporters. The Democrats, newly installed in power in both houses of Congress, will not be supportive, our correspondent says. Mr Bush's new approach is expected to be laid out in a speech as early as the middle of next week. A senior White House official said Mr Bush might make the official announcement on Mr Khalilzad as early as Friday. Mr Khalilzad would have to be confirmed by the Senate, but analysts say he has maintained good relations with the Democrats. Reports say Ryan Crocker, US ambassador to Pakistan, may replace Mr Khalilzad in Baghdad. John Negroponte is set to move from director of national intelligence to deputy secretary of state. Retired vice admiral and intelligence official Michael McConnell is expected to replace Mr Negroponte.
John Negroponte is set to move from director of national intelligence to deputy secretary of state.
Important ping for later
the "surge" won't work without some new tactics and new rules of engagement - and Abizaid and Casey can't deliver that. fire them, this is Bush's last chance on iraq.
Abazaid was set to be rotated out.
whatever they want to call it is fine with me.
Having watched the BBC with some regularity and seen their anti American venom they don't,IMO,have any credibility in covering this country.
I like Abazaid. He did fine.
I think , that lately they have been better than the Majors Media Outlets here....
More window dressing for the American defeat.
Yet another MoveOn freeper.
You are failing to recognize the tremendous progress that has been made in Iraq. Sectarian Violence is NOT the only thing happening there. You just have to know were to look for the truth, becasue you sure ain't getting anything like truth from the media.
Arm chair surrender coward. Defeat is not an option. Victory is the only recourse.
No. Negropante will be her deputy.
The BBC is Al-Jazeera in english.
progress in many areas, yes. but on quelling the insurgency, the militias, training iraqi forces - its been bad. 113 US KIA in december.
War is hell, especially when the insurgents and terrorists only continue to fight because they see division in this country and they sense the democrats wanting us to pull out early, like Vietnam. If this country would have remained united, the democrats loyal and the media honest in its reporting, the insurgency and the terrorists would have given up two years ago. The only reason this war has continued is because of the democratic leaders and the traitorous media.
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