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Livingstone Resigns, Denying Ill Intent [CLINTONISTA FLASHBACK]
The Washington Post ^
| June 27 1996
| George Lardner Jr. and Susan Schmidt
Posted on 01/02/2007 4:57:21 PM PST by Enchante
click here to read article
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Just a reminder of one of the many Clintonistas-are-scumbags scandals that needs to be refreshed when Hillarity's campaign heats up.....
posted on
01/02/2007 4:57:23 PM PST
To: Enchante; I Hired Craig Livingstone
Just who hired that fat f*ck, anyway?
To: Enchante
And just what job did he resign from?
posted on
01/02/2007 5:02:40 PM PST
( (Eat Meat, Wear Fur, Own Guns, FReep Leftists, Drive an SUV, Drill A.N.W.R., Drill the Gulf, Vote)
To: martin_fierro
Neither Kennedy nor anyone else, however, was able to explain how Livingstone, who had worked for the Clinton Inaugural Committee, got his job. Both Kennedy and Nussbaum said Livingstone was already in place in effect acting director of personnel security when they arrived at the White House in late January 1993. Kennedy testified that Vincent Foster, the deputy White House counsel who later committed suicide, had "identified" Livingstone "to this position when I arrived."
posted on
01/02/2007 5:04:00 PM PST
(Chamberlain Democrats embraced by terrorists and America-haters worldwide!!)
To: martin_fierro
I don't think we EVER got an answer to that question, did we?
posted on
01/02/2007 5:05:25 PM PST
("I may look harmless, but I raised a U.S. MARINE!" Army Wife & Marine Mom)
To: Enchante
Ah yes, the good old Clintoon days when ethics were not in fashion, Mz. Pelosi. And we never heard a peep out of you.
By the way, who DID hire Craig Livingston? And whatever happened to him after the Clintoons left the White House?
To: martin_fierro
He was not inept. He was the fall guy for the Clinton's efforts to collect damaging information on Republicans.
This guy was a campaign operative who was paid to go to the site of George H.W. Bush campaign speeches, dress in a chicken suit and divert attention away from the candidate.
This was just one of many sleazy, illegal, and immoral acts of the Clinton administration.
To: Enchante
To: devolve; ntnychik; PhilDragoo; bitt; dixiechick2000
Another one taking the fall for the Clintons!
posted on
01/02/2007 5:14:17 PM PST
(Does a clean house indicate that there is a broken computer in it?)
Comment #10 Removed by Moderator
To: Enchante
I know news is slow because it the holiday season, but we've been getting some dumb posts. This ranks right up there with yesterday's (which was actually dated back to October) about DeKalb County (GA) schools refusing to turn the heat on before Nov. 1.
posted on
01/02/2007 5:19:30 PM PST
To: kittymyrib
"Ah yes, the good old Clintoon days when ethics were not in fashion, Mz. Pelosi. And we never heard a peep out of you.
By the way, who DID hire Craig Livingston? And whatever happened to him after the Clintoons left the White House?"
Actually, I believe it was Hillary Clinton herself who hired him.
Comment #13 Removed by Moderator
To: martin_fierro
posted on
01/02/2007 5:26:30 PM PST
(O beautiful for patriot dream, that sees beyond the years)
To: Enchante
posted on
01/02/2007 5:27:31 PM PST
To: Enchante
FBI files and another set of keys to Vince Foster's car.
posted on
01/02/2007 5:27:32 PM PST
(O beautiful for patriot dream, that sees beyond the years)
To: martin_fierro
Just who hired that fat f*ck, anyway? Hillary Rodham Clinton, that's who!
posted on
01/02/2007 5:28:08 PM PST
To: Baynative
I'm still trying to find him.
posted on
01/02/2007 5:42:44 PM PST
doug from upland
(Stopping Hillary should be a FreeRepublic Manhattan Project)
To: Enchante
WHERE is that fat pig now, I wonder?? He TOOK the FBI FILES to HILLARY!!
To: Enchante
Livingstone takes full responsibility. What a bunch of bull! Who told him to get the files?
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