I think the more interesting question is why do Jews continue to embrace those whose sworn policies are the destruction of both Israel and the Jews?
As an "evangelical" Christian, if not for the biblical admonition that "those who bless....will be blessed and those who curse...will be cursed", I must say I would find it difficult to continue supporting a people whose actions and policies so clearly are in opposition to the best interests of our nation and our world.
From the bolshevik "revolution" to the current anti-american liberal left....well, this would just continue into a rant, my tagline sums it.
They try to create a safe world out of Secular principles and searching for the good in mankind that is independent of God's Light. Such are the fantasies of Communism which was just despotism warmed over, like so many other ism's of the 20th century. Empty promises.
For God is the author of love, compassion and justice that saves the soul in torment and desperation.