The same choices face congressmen every day.
Furthermore, unlike many congressmen, who have two homes, one of which is in an expensive area near DC, most federal judges do NOT have to live anywhere near DC and can, like the rest of the world, shop around for a reasonably priced house.
I have to laugh at the $1500/month figure for entertainment for a family of four. That is way more than is needed by any reasonable person to provide amusement.
Eat out with the wife twice a month in an urban environment and that's $150-200.
Summer camp for kids? Easily $200 a week per kid
Movie with 2 kids is $30
Bowling is $50
Want to go on a family vacation for a week? Try $2,500.
Buy family gifts for holidays, birthdays?
Adopt a family or two at the holidays?
It all adds up.
Oh, and Congressmen are out their whoring for votes at every turn, raising money, accepting donations and taking trips. Once they leave office they can go to work for law firms, lobbyists or other companies doing government work. They are also beholden to special interests.