Austin. 'Nuff said.
MMTU--you forgot the barf bag warning!
Watch the Penn & Teller "Bullsh#t" on Feng Shui.
They bring 3 "experts" in to Feng Shui a house, each of the frauds gives a diffrent answer. Their off camera comments are hilarious ( one guy " the place still looks like sh#t). And they all basically are selling expensive furniture and doodads. It was a riot.
Sounds like a lot more fun than "readin, ritin, and rithmatik"! But you still wont be able to read your diploma.
barbra ann
Batavia's personal Feng Shui: Plant cactus in full sun and azaleas in shade; flush toilet and put seat back down.
While religion and respect are banned from classrooms, school administrators embrace blatant superstition. Santeria, anyone? Animal sacrifice is multicultural.
Feng Shui is for GULLIBLE IDIOTS!!
My Daddy (God bless his soul) always said to tell the truth no matter how much it hurt.
So, Stacy, I don't mean to do you harm, but let's get real shall we?
Penn and Teller did a hilarious takedown of Feng Shui in their excellent series entitled "Bulls---". BTW, their expose on bottled water was equally hilarious.
Good grief. Next thing you know they'll have children praying and reading from their Bibles at recess. This corruption of our children's minds has got to stop! /
The school needs to be sued to remove her.
"I totally believe in feng shui," Melendez said.
But these types of people think Christianity is a crock. The inmates DO run the asylum.
Public schools hiring palm-readers to rearrange their furniture. If I were a taxpayer there, I would be up in arms.
LOL. Every classroom in America is filled with negative energy. Really, how many kids genuinely want to sit in a classroom? This is such rubbish.
My wife knows someone who had a FS 'expert' redo her house. Her life came totally apart afterward.
Who pays for this consultant?
How much are such "consultants" paid for these "services"
Just this morning I was reading our local paper and ....well, let me simply give you the quotes...
"Parents, students and music lovers came to Sherwood Elementary School earlier this month to hear fifth and sixth grade students perform a holiday program.
Folk songs, holiday songs, Kwanzaa songs, Hanukkah songs and even an African noel were performed, according to Bonnie Spanogle, who instructed the students."
Holiday doubt innocuous Jingle Bells & Santa Claus is Coming to Town....
...Kwanzaa songs but no Christmas songs....
I hope you all are as worried for these children & their perspective on the true meaning of Christmas as I am!!!!!
Tell me, just off the top of your head, can you hum me a Kwanzaa song.....or how about an African noel?????
Do you think they included Christmas carols in the 'holiday' part?....I don't.
Magic is fun- as long as we remember it's magic! Do you suppose these folks ALSO belive in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny? Tooth Fairy? I expect not- not enough "good energy" ;)
Houses should be arranged in a manner pleasing to the eye, and kept clean and relatively neat (depending on the age and number of little ones!)...everything else is stuff and nonsense.
This is a prime example of politics in Austin (ask me how I know!). The city council had to apporve the budget for this charade, but I'm sure it sailed through just as easily as their annual vote on council pay raises.
Funny how they can approve funding for such BS when our infrastructure is crumbling.