Including the way the Apostle Paul, Peter and Jesus dealt with false teachers and deceivers. It was very harsh at times but protecting the flock from ravenous wolves and a roaring lion is love at work.
The Good Shepherd protects his flock from wolves (and the false sheperd lets the wolves in through the gate).
We are commanded by Scripture to mark false teachers, avoid false teachers, refute false teachers, sharply rebuke false teachers and to contend for the faith.
This takes alot of love and effort...constant diligence.
Love isn't always a hug and a kiss and flattering words.
"Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy." (Proverbs 27:6)
But, the Purpose-Driven Shepherd will help the wolf to embrace his wolfness, and then share his wolfness with the sheepness of the flock.
The Good Shepherd protects his flock from wolves (and the false sheperd lets the wolves in through the gate).
The Purpose-Driven Gospel is one of inclusion, not divisivness. We embrace the wolf with love, and teach him that it's OK to be who he is, what he was created to be.
And if somewhere along the lines, he messes up, and maybe eats a sheep or two, well, remember, NO ONE is perfect. We all make mistakes. How hypocritical it would be to focus in on the wolf's mistakes, when WE are not perfect either.