The combative Bobbsey Twins on this thread don't realize that they themselves are making the case for American males to travel to Thailand an Lithuania seeking their luck. "Chicks with dicks" is a metaphor, ladies (oops, a politically incorrect term,) and you don't have to unbutton your 505 Levis to look!
It's the ones who insist on thinking for me I have trouble with...
No kidding, Revolting? It's a metaphor? Who'da thunk it?
And I have to tell you, there's a fair number of guys on this thread whom I hope decide NOT to inflict themselves on American women. I was going to use the phrase "Hardy Boys" to describe some of you, but then I realized THAT couldn't possibly be true....
Have a Merry and enjoy your Asian child-brides. I hope after they get their green cards, they don't take you for too much in the inevitable divorce.