If they only knew...
Sorry, but after 53 years here, I have encountered many more women who are unfaithful than men. 40 years ago, maybe not, but check the statistics now; you may be surprised to find that the 2006 liberated women are pretty quick to stray when things are worse and not better.
If they only knew...
Actually they are right. As much as western men play around, it's not an institutional thing like it is for Thai men of substance. For them, it is a matter of face to have mistresses.
Thanitchaya says she now has many American suitors who are trying to win her love with diamond rings and necklaces.
I sense a fit of irony coming over me...
My BF loves me for my conservative American values and traits. And I'm not interested in diamond rings or necklaces either. I love him for his conservative American values and traits as well.