Then why do they hate those who follow Him? Actually, when muslims claim that Jesus was but a mortal man and is not the Son of God, they blaspheme His holy Name.
Jesus said that sins against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. It has been said by theologians that by this statement Jesus was referring to those who know Him but willfully refuse to believe He is the Saviour; which of course means that one is calling the Holy Spirit, Who spoke through Our Lord Jesus Christ, a liar.
In any case, Ahmadinejad is the evilest looking man I've ever laid eyes on. Even the broad smile in his pathetic picture cannot hide the evil in this man's heart, or the demonic look in his eyes.
Aside from actual practices, the general idea is this: They're not supposed to hate Christians, only feel sorry for these errant people of the book that they haven't recognized the true religion and to try to get them to realize the truth. Christians blaspheme God himself by equating Jesus with God. The prohibition against idolatry and raising anyone or anything to the level of God is extremely strict in Islam.