No, the leaker's never been in the CIA, but his wife used to be and he got sent on a trip to Africa by them once.
"No, the leaker's never been in the CIA, but his wife used to be and he got sent on a trip to Africa by them once.
No. His wife used to be and he was on a business trip to handle the sale of yellowcake ore for the President of Niger. He had a private company that did this brokering business in Niger, and special deals involving the President of Niger he personally handled. Since he was already going, his wife got the CIA to have him 'spy' (good idea since he had the right connections), and paid for his trip, no strings attached (no nasty CIA documents or binders to sign, no debriefing, etc).
Not only that, but this happened exactly the same during the Clinton Administration. Same deal, same answer was given.
Same person continued to sell Yellowcake from Niger through another third world country, then on to Saddam. BUT, Niger wasn't selling it directly to Saddam, which is what this person did report back to the CIA, which made everyone happy and kept pockets filled.