Nope Vann's excuse is that "its just the system we have." That is a related but not quite the same excuse as the "I was only following orders" excuse.
And of course Vann is not Hitler, he is one of the millions of silent witness who was too chicken, to busy making money off this system to speak up. His choice, I only said that I did not think history would treat him or the rest of the NC bar any better on this than it has the AL bar of the 1930s on the Scottsboro boys. Now, I guess most people don't think much about what is right or their place in history. That is fine, but I certainly have my opinion of the Nifong enablers.
I think the test of such men will follow after the revelations this case has brought. It's not as though the defense bar can't rally support and push the legislature and politicians for the needed changes, but such an effort won't be led by anyone like Vann. He doesn't have the juice.
Vann hasn't gone the soapbox route. He just answers questions about NC criminal procedure and local judicial philosophy and customs. He's more like a reporter.
What, exactly, is it that you think he should do as an individual about this case, assuming for the moment that he shares our views of the case?