Because it lacks specific sourcing or explanation of how you arrived at that number. You will also notice significant disparity in muslim populations for each of the colonies you named, ranging from as low as 20% to as high as 100%. An accurate number would thus require estimates based on the troops provided out of each of these colonies, not the region as a whole.
I told you that 1/3rd was a conservative estimate.
You will also notice significant disparity in muslim populations for each of the colonies you named, ranging from as low as 20% to as high as 100%.
Funny comment, coming from someone who tries to sneak Gabon's 1% muslim population into a description of all of French Equatorial Africa. Remember that the numbers you gave ranged from 1% to 50%.
Here are the average recruitment breakdown from 1920-1947:
Upper Volta -- 22.01%
French Soudan -- 20.49%
Senegal -- 16.52%
Guinea -- 15.77%
Ivory Coast -- 14.30
Niger -- 1.84%
Mauritania -- 0.67%
[Togo is not included in the figures because it was not part of the French West Africa colony, but rather it was a League of Nations trust territory administered by France.]