This jerk is not asking questions. He is not curious. He simply thinks of himself as superior. Apparently he wasn't rasied as well as he thinks. He doesn't seem to know the difference between what is his business and what is not. A basic for grown ups.
I am not getting the love the sinner, hate the sin here. We should probably just stone all the homosexuals, like the adulterers. That will fix the marriage problem, old testament style.
I thought the entire thing read like a high schooler wrote it.
Anyone ever notice that homosexuals making babies is "nobody else's business," but a married Christian couple with 4 or 6 or 8 or 10 kids quickly discovers that that is everyone else's business ... "You do know what causes that, don't you?" ... "You're done now, right?" ... "You know how to keep that from happening any more, don't you?" ... "Can't you just tell him, 'No,' dear?" ... ad nauseam.
We have a perverted, sick and dying culture when abnormal people having children by unnatural means is "nobody else's business," but normal, happy, well-adjusted, married people having children the God-ordained way is a subject for public criticism and ridicule.