If someone else tells me that his chances aren't good against Hillary in either of those states, I'm just going to repeat myself again.
Please do, Hilliary won re election in a landslide, now tow years after that the voters of NY are just going to throw her overboard for Rudy?
Now Ohio, Michigan, Texas, Florida are worthwhile in the debate. Maybe Minnesota and Wisconsin as well.
Winning in Michigan or Minnesota would change the map significantly in 2008.
Hilliary won re election in a landslide, now tow years after that the voters of NY are just going to throw her overboard for Rudy?
Winning in Michigan or Minnesota would change the map significantly in 2008.
If Republicans were to route even half the support we consistently adhere to regarding the oil industy (which funds a lot of coutries which hate America), the direction of our beleaguered Auto Industry - the GOP would win in Michigan.
Hilliary won re election in a landslide, now tow years after that the voters of NY are just going to throw her overboard for Rudy?A lot of those votes were against George Bush. And besides, if they really love her so much, they get to keep her for six full years!
Hillary got exactly 66.6% in NY. She got less actual votes than she did 6 years ago. She underpolled Eliot Spitzer (71%) and Chuck Schumer (73%).
Hillary got exactly 66.6% in NY. She got fewer actual votes than she did 6 years ago. She underpolled Eliot Spitzer (71%) and Chuck Schumer (73%).