Listen - come on now - your 2nd amendment rights are safe - I promise you - no one is going to take guns away from you - unless you forfeit the you rights under law. Do you honestly think the 2nd amendment is in jeopardy? You don't that just hyperbole.
As for abortion rights - I am pro-life - however I believe this issues starts and end in the home - in the way you raise your children - in the church you attend. This battle will only be won when life is precious to all - and that is a tough chore.
The world is full of people who dismiss life.
I believe that after 9/11 Rudy's respect for life - all life - has changed - I think you will hear this from him in the future.
Just give the man a chance - your vote is your own. But don't forefit it.
With Rino Rudy in charge the 2nd amendment is not safe. I am a live menber of the NRA and I know he will not get their nomination. I can not ever vote for an anti gun, pro abbortion candidate.