The "bipartisan" Iraq panel has recommended that Iran and Syria can help stabilize Iraq.See also, from pookie18's Today's Toons 12/4/06:You know, the way Germany and Russia helped stabilize Poland in '39.
She nails it yet again.
Now that Democrats have won the House, they can concentrate on losing the war.Also from pookie18's Today's Toons 12/4/06:
So, even thought things will be bad, at least I'll have the satisfaction of knowing that people in the media will be the first to die. Of course, being Jewish, I'll be up near the front of the line... But still, there will be some satisfaction.
1938-1939 history is repeating itself with the incoming Dem controlled congress, 'The Appeasement Congress'.
What the Iraq Surrender Group is advocating is not even on the installment plan.
All up front and right now. Try to involve Syria and Iran in "pacification" of Iraq? How about we drink the Kool-Aid first, so we don't have to see the results of THAT clever plan?
The Caliphate of Baghdad, extending from Morocco to New Guinea, taking in a good part of Europe on the way. And threatening to add the Phillipines. India embattled, facing their own internal insurrectionists. Sub-Saharan Africa ablaze with genocide, but eventually falling to the same "Religion of Peace".
Peace in our time.
This will not last as long as Chamberlain's triumphant return from Munich.
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