We and the whole world are so screwed
Mol, I have not read all the comments on this thread, but it seems to me that people are misunderstanding what is actually represented by this report.
It is a nothing more than a consensus of opinion, and pretty much summarizes what we have been doing, what we are doing, and some of the things we have begun to do recently, in regard to embedding, and the potential to draw down combat support as Iraqi units become more effective.
The Neo-con's view this as a disastrous report, and their candidate, John McStain has been the leader on their side with bozo Krystal as the primary mouthpiece. they advocate the Powell doctrine of overwhelming force, to win a military war that has already been won. Their advocacy of more troops will simply turn the civil strife against American troops rather than against sectarian division, and as soon as we remove ourselves from the battlefield to stop the bleeding, they will return to fighting each other.
The element required to correct this nightmare in Iraq is very simply stated as TIME. It will take time to develop cadres of leadership, both in the new Iraqi military and in the new government.
This report, with only one exception of the regional conference of neighboring nations, is a series of things that are already underway, in the works, or on the board to do.
I could call it the "stay the course" document, and it is largely informative and represents little or no change in policy or strategy.
It really is just a body massage for the public pain over this misunderstood war. I do hope it helps some in that regard, but there is nothing in it that is new. If it helps to get some more public support for what we are doing, then it has done it's job.