Special and heartwarming moments like these bring to mind a fabulous little uptempo pop/new wave "ditty" from the 1980s by Oingo Boingo - written by the brilliant and often acid-penned Conservative musical genius, Danny Elfman:
[partial quote of lyrics from memory - to avoid copyright infringement.]
FWIW - Do Danny a favor - go buy a "Best of" compilation by Oingo Boingo, and treat your ears to a tight horn section, sharp percolating R&B/funk rhythms, and searingly NON-P.C. lyrics which consistently and mercilessly gore sacred cows by the herd, baby!
I had a VIP pass, and met him backstage at a concert in Portland "back in the day", and talked with him for about 20 minutes - what a bright, great guy!
I wish he would get busy and pen some more lyrics - skewering the MSM, the KKKlintoons, ALgore, CAIR and mohammadanism...
"Only a lad"
[...you really mustn't blame him,
only a lad.............society made him!
only a lad.............It's not his fault he turned out this way,
Perhaps if we're nice, he'll just go away!
only a lad....]
I say - If'n ya cain't pay the piper, don't be a sniper - boy!
I think death would have been too harsh for a kid whose upbringing {judging by his mother's behaviour} was clearly deficient in significant ways - but for the sake of protecting society and exacting appropriate punishment to the crime, a life sentence would not be out of line!
As it is - young Mr. Messner will be out before he is 40 years of age, and have had ample time to consider the grievous errata of his youthful ways. I pray he makes the highest and best use of it...for the sake of all involved.
You musta sat under a banyan tree for a considerable time to be so enlightened!
Me, I just wanna snuff his lights out.