The Ditsy Chix, on the other hand..."Pride cometh before the fall, and a haughty spirit before destruction"
"Either way, she recanted/apologized/denied the remarks, so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt."
Good point! Face it the only people who tell us that she said what she said is the stinking lieing media.
Yeah, I'm gonna let her off the hook on this also. LOL
"Poor blind Alektruon. Now he knows the magnitude of his error. Arrogance laid him low, for no man is invincible. Those the gods would destroy they first make proud.
I take it she made the original remarks in Spanish. If that's the case, I will give her the benefit of the doubt as well, as she appears to be genuine in these remarks, and being precise in a second language is difficult.
I agree. Better to at least backtrack than continue shoving that foot into your mouth!
"...I'll give her the benefit of the doubt."
Me too. Obviously she wanted to clear the air, and she did.