Some will tell you that since privacy isn't specifically mentioned in the US Constitution it doesn't exist. They also believe that the Constitution is an enumeration of our rights, and not what the Founders said: a document defining and limiting government powers.
Maybe when my phone is in the same room as I, it should get placed next to a speaker that is playing Korn's latest. Loudly. So they can listen to Thoughtless. Am I doing anything illegal? Nope. But I trust this government as far as I can throw it. Especially now that the Dhimmitude has taken two of three branches.
And therein lies the problem. While Rummy and Bush wouldn't use these powers against honest Americans, Hitlery, Pelosi, and Osama Obama wouldn't think twice about it, just for opposing them politically (and Kennedy and Reid would be far worse!!!!). That is why I oppose the Patriot Act (I and II). It potentially places far too much power in the hands of people who don't have qualms about its use.
Ah the sound of sanity. It amazes me how many "conservatives" were/are so willing to sign over their freedoms in the name of security.
"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." Benjamin Franklin
Pandora's box was opened. Good luck ever closing it again.
The Founding Fathers could never have envisioned a world with cell phones.