:-) :-)
That sounds like a new national parlor game. Try to imagine a film role that's actually suitable for Michael Schiavo. Can you see him playing Fr. O'Malley in The Bells of St. Mary's with Ingrid Bergman? I can't either. Good guy roles are out. Villain roles might work, -- if you can find one who does it for money, -- but even on the silver screen, I don't think I've ever seen a movie character mean enough to kill his wife's cats and steal her wedding rings to make a ring for himself.
I think you got something there. I will have to think about it. I can't remember anyone in the movies dehydrating their wife either. I can't even remember a movie where someone took animals to a vet, who said he could find a home for them, and still insisted on killing them. One thing about Michael, he acquired help to kill Terri's cats, and acquired help to kill Terri.