Bush administration lost a golden opportunity to explain to people that the Dims and their envirowacko buddies were blocking energy production. Plus Bush made that stupid "We're addicted to oil!" comment. That right there sealed our fate.
President Bush has pushed for the ANWR drilling bill so many times but it did not pass. You have rush into attacking President Bush about everything and blame him for everything and forget that the real problem is the democrat party.
I agree, the POTUS made a really stupid as well as harmfull statement regarding oil. What the hell was on his mind when he said that is beyond me. Now these clowns will use it to fit into their agenda. Being. Keep us oil dependent on others.
Bush administration has lost a host of golden opportunities because they have been grotesquely, vividly incompetent at communicating, much less staying in touch, with the people.
There's only one word for the Bush PR effort. Lame.
The Democrats haven't learned anything. Back to preaching about "sinful consumption" and clamoring for a "windfall profits tax" just like in the days of president Carter. What is their plan for "alternative energy?" Nuclear power? Nope. Solar energy? They would be against it where it might be practical because solar arrays gather too much heat and might warm the earth. Windmill electric generators? No way! Windmills are "ugly." Efficient, clean diesel engines in cars? Probably not -- they don't want cars to be fuel-efficient and affordable. They would rather force those who can afford it to buy expensive gimmicks like hybrid or electric cars. The proles who cannot afford $40,000 for a fancy hybrid car can walk. Oil from shale? No way, the greedy oil companies might profit from that.