Tommy Franks I would love. But what are the chances?
I can't remember the last time I agreed with Dick Morris, but he's right about this. We need a candidate who is a strong conservative, both social and fiscal. We also need a candidate with a strong appeal who can get elected. He needs to appeal to the voters over the heads of the media, who will do everything to destroy him.
There's the rub. I don't see anyone like that. Reagan could deal with the media, but he was one of a kind. I think we need to control illegal immigration and roll it back, but Tancredo is unelectable. If we ran him, it would only backfire and make things worse.
As is usually the case with your posts, I agree with every word. Kudos.
However, it absolutely scares the Be-jesus out of me to agree with Tricky Dickie on anything. :-)
Of the four lead ones, none thrill me. McCain and Giuliani are obvious non-starters. Romney would have to convince me he was serious about his evolution from a pro-choice RINO to a true blue conservative, which I seriously doubt he can pull off. I'm not sure Newt can win due to his MSM baggage, but I definitely want to see him in the primary process just to watch him intellectually abuse McCrazy in the debates.
Curious who you see as the possible "knight in shining armor" for the Republican wing of the Republican party: Barbour? Mark Sanford? Tim Pawlentey? Bronwback? Someone else I am not thinking of?
Regards -
That must mean you moved... since he usually comes out with every side of every issue during a six month cycle. If you stay put with your opinion, he'll hit it eventually. :)