"Radley Balko Radley Balko Radley Balko"
Who wrote this again?
Maybe it's just me, but busting in to any residence, guns drawn without notice, seems to be forcing a life or death situation where there might otherwise not be one.
I'm not saying that it shouldn't ever be done, but I think there are life or death situations that are artificially created by this tactic and there needs to be more common sense applied on the front end.
When you force your way into someones home unannounced, without a life threatening situation, you deserve to be shot.
Mook Bark
They don't even have a category for 'wrong address', do they?
Just because a suspect turns out to be innocent, it doesn't mean the raid wasn't justified. That's what juries are for.
Their categories.
Death of an innocent.
Death or injury of a police officer.
Death of a nonviolent offender.
Raid on an innocent suspect.
Other examples of paramilitary police excess.
Unnecessary raids on doctors and sick people.
The current drive for gun-owner friendly legislation by the NRA is the "Castle Doctrine". These laws grant legal residents of a dwelling the explicit right to resist a home invasion with all necessary force, including lethal. I believe the NRA has successfully lobbied some twelve states to adopt a form of this legislation with more states signing on every day. It will be interesting to see the result when "no knock" meets "Castle Doctrine" head on. It;s only a matter of time...