I think you nailed it. Indians have shown tendencies that you describe above. Also, they sometimes to take excessive collective pride in the achievements of individual Indians who have excelled in other countries, notably the US. While there is nothing wrong with this in general, some Indians do it to such a ridiculous extent that one wonders whether this vicarious living through other fellow Indians is a national malady.
well, is there a market for telemedicine in civilizational psychiatry? I would be sitting at home and issuing the scientifically sounding putdowns, like Dogbert in the cartoon... nice job, if one could get it.
Only the media hype it up. With lots of competition, the media seizes on any oppurtunity and makes banner headlines of the most trivial news. Ordinary Indians , while proud of the achievements of Indians living overseas, tend to see through the media hype
Well, when ignoramuses equate all Indians to gas station attendants and beggars, merely pointing out the ridiculousness of their arguments doesnt in any manner imply civilizational inferiority complex of any sort. It merely indicates a firm negation of that mode of thought.