He may have a [point. Headscarves, a symbol of Islamic femalism, are being o outlawed. Some Europeans may have some guts after all.
It is more than that... Denmark and Holland are now recovering from multiculturalism (France never was a victim of it)... There is a storm on the horizon for muslims in Europe... And they are too stupid to see it!
....then again, outlawing headscarves has nothing to do with addressing Islam. The headscarves were banned from schools by the French governmant because it represents religious expression in a public place. The French revolution was a prototype for Lenin ---it was radically and vociferously anti-religious. In many palces the revolutionaries literally bricked up the churches no nobody would go. The French State continues to be passionately secular (only government bureaucrats can marry you for example, since the government regards church weddings as legally invalid).
As for Peters saying Le Pen got 1/3 of the vote, remember that it was a run-off (Le Pen got about 18% in the first vote) and many people have deep misgivings about Chirac, the posturing quintessential "empty suit" who belives in nothing and stands for nothing.
I have family in France, I find the French very passive. Well-dressed and well-fed sheep, who never seem to think think beyond next year's Beaujolais.