Afghanistan was payback for 911, everyone understands that. Iraq was, in part, a feud between the bush's and saddam; but the real crux of the problem is OIL. Develop our own independent sources and we could leave the arabs to go back and become camel jockeys again. Give you a little clue : Tom Bearden and Bedini tell in explicit detail how to do your own Free Energy Generator(battery re=charger)by tapping the ZPE. The energy may be free but the book isn't($43). Do you have electronic motherboard skills, and $43 to bet that this might work?
"Afghanistan was payback for 911, everyone understands that. Iraq was, in part, a feud between the bush's and saddam; but the real crux of the problem is OIL. Develop our own independent sources and we could leave the arabs to go back and become camel jockeys again. Give you a little clue : Tom Bearden and Bedini tell in explicit detail how to do your own Free Energy Generator(battery re=charger)by tapping the ZPE. The energy may be free but the book isn't($43). Do you have electronic motherboard skills, and $43 to bet that this might work?'
That is very cool indeed. Your right about the oil and us becoming energy independant. Too much greed and not enough love of God and Country.