Countless poor souls have died as the result of eschewing known, safe and effective treatments in favor of "holistic," "alternative," "natural" cures.
And they've died from the others, as well. I put my mom on a serious program of herbs and twigs for three weeks that (are you ready for this?) ACTUALLY ELIMIATED A CANCEROUS BREAST TUMOR THAT REPEAT MAMMOGRAMS AND THERMOGRAPHY **AND** THE SURGEON COULD NOT FIND, even tho it was present upon biopsy & diagnosis prior to the supplements.
This is very similar to what has happened in vet schools with Hills using their own "trained" vets to go into the schools and teach nutrition Hills-style.
All of a sudden none of us are smart enough to feed our own dogs' we have to feed them gag in a bag instead because that is what our brainwashed vets have been taught and sell out of gratitude to the company that kicks in millions to help pay for their education as well as their training.