I think that most of the people doing hard time were either;
a) Selling drugs
b) Transporting drugs for sale
c) Carrying large amounts of drug money & guns
d) Violated prior parole conditions
I commented/asked:
Just goes to show ya, -- it's now a 'crime' to carry large amounts of money & guns?
you left out "drug" in the "drug money and guns" part of my sentence.
Read much? I quoted your post verbatim, then commented with my question.
Carrying money and guns is not illegal.
It shouldn't be; -- but many State & fed statutes ['rico laws'] make it an iffy practice.
Drug money is that stuff that you have absolutely no way to demonstrate that you have earned it. Often, there is a tax evasion charge (felony) involved. Often, there is drug residue of substantial quantities on the money or in the car or on your person.
Yep, and thats just the way you prohibitionist warriors want it. Feel proud.
I still say that there are not that many people in prisons for a "small amount of pot", but then I guess you can edit that to "amount of pot" and change the meaning of that too.
It makes no difference what I post, as you edit it in your mind to suit, -- as we see above..
This is really silly.
Yep, you've sure made it so.
First of all, in quoting me, you BOLDED my sentence and intentially UNBOLDED the word drug. Then you asked the question and LEFT OUT the word drug from the the phrase I had used. And you resort to calling me delusional.
You are what you are. -- The exchange above proves it.
Look. You think the WOD is a bad idea. I think it is a GREAT idea because I could care less if scum who get stoned are sitting in jail. You don't like my opinion? Tough shit. Get over it.
Sorry, but I will never 'get over' warriors that want to jail people over non-violent constitutional activities.
And finally, the original post which I was rebutting stated that many people are sitting in prisons (not jail, prisons) for a "small amount of pot" and I find this ludicrous. Nobody has demonstrated this to be an accurate point, instead they emphasize/de-emphasise parts of my post, phrase questions leaving out parts of phrases that I used and then argue with the accuracy of my reference to that behavior, and call me delusional.
Great discussion. Its been fun. Not.
Unhappy? -- Then I'd suggest you 'get with' our Constitution's program. Try not to advocate infringements on our inalienable rights, -- just for a change.
Your attitude is responsible for much of the war against the right to keep and bear arms. We have to disarm the criminals, don't you know?
There will be no "getting over it" until people with your opinion decide to stop trying to live other people's lives. In the mean time, it is costing me my freedom.
Dear Nanny Staters (of ALL stripes):
Keep out of my life in every way, shape and form; keep your laws off MY body and my kids and my neighbors; and, in return, I won't feel a need to track you down and unscrew your head and shiite down your neck, whoever and wherever you are. Fair deal?
Love and kisses,