They're paying John Jay Criminal College $1,000,000 in three installments to tell them that they ordained homosexual priests?
... who had pedophilia (i.e. chicken-hawking) tendencies?
I try very hard to avoid these threads, since the answer is obvious, and the irrational ones come out in droves, on both sides of the issue: both gays and anti-gays.
I can't resist, however, commenting on the tone and logic of the posts already made which suggest that voluntary celibacy turns an otherwise healthy heterosexual male not only into a homosexual, but also into a child abuser.
Yeah, this will be a pathetic waste of time and money. Most priest-offenders targeted sexually mature male adolescents as their victims, not prepubescent boys and girls. As the opportunists at John Jay know full well, studying the "pedophile-priest" will miss the large bulk of offenders completely and what is worse, will add error to the literature. After the "criminologists" waste the church's money and issue their report, it is virtually certain that the weight and state of our knowledge will be LESS than it is right now, due to increase in the error term, academic distortion, and politically driven obfuscation.</p>