Guilty, repressed, catholics with psychological, sexual damage who don't want to act out their psychosis (homosexuality). They become priests and don't find a traditional psychiatrist who can help them with this PSYCHOLOGICAL problem, they remain homosexual.
Follow up to my last post, re: pedophelia.
It's becoming more apparent that this behavior is "hard-wired", meaning a problem with one of the brain functions, much like serial killers who have frontal lobe damage/ill-working frontal lobes which leaves them with no conscience, remorse, etc.
You CAN have these things hard wired in your brain and not act on them also, although it is very difficult, and if you have a bad upbringing, experiences, etc, these flaws will rise to the surface.
It's a case of nature/nurture, science/nurture if you will.
Homosexualty falls into the category of early childhood, psychological issues, perhaps a predisposition, but the "gay gene" has not been found, although I can literally say I've seen no less than a dozen newscast, articles saying the "gay gene" has been found.
Homosexuality is a psychological/abnormal issue, some people are depressed/bipolar/obsessive compulsive/self destructive, etc.,etc.
Some people are homosexual, that's why they try and introduce teaching, normalizing this abnormal behavior at an early, confused, psychological state and it should NOT be taught in schools as "normal".
You can take a kid and make him a criminal, you can take a kid and make him a homosexual.
A large percentage of homosexual men were abused as children.
I'm sure I'll get some grief for this, but a friend of mine was one of the top shrinks in the USA (RIP), he treated homosexuals, necropheliacs, etc.
Wow, did he have some stories!
I know a shrink who's instructor resigned from the American Psychiatric Association after their 1974 San Fran convention when the gays were protesting outside.
He wrote the psychiatrsts who voted for this had a homosexual panic and the next thing they would say was schizophrenia was an alternate thought disorder.