yep, too bad the GOP leadership is so inept at political skills. When they had the chance to choose a New RNC
Chairman, who do we get? Martinez (who looks like a blatant attempt to pander to the Hispanic voters) God forbid those weenies choose a dynamic, strong Black candidate like Michael Steele. Then to add insult to injury, the same buffoons who gave us Denny Hastert & Bill Frist, go back to the crypt & raise Trent Lott from the dead..(fair or not, Lott has the racial baggage) .. With masterminds like this, No wonder the Democrats just won with No agenda No Plan and No Class. (sigh) The conservative agenda was gettng toooo close for the elites. The corrupt "Two-Party Cartel" neede a slow down. Just think, GW would have to nominate a conservative to the SC if someone died or resigned & that just might tip it. That's baaaaad for all of us but good to the elites. The (R)s will not win an election with McLame or Rudy. The media will cover for the Hildabeast & you will have the SC full of the biggest leftist imaginable. Get your prayer rugs with an order of tacos & hope that universal health care card reaches you before your malady.
The (R)s will not win an election with McLame or Rudy. The media will cover for the Hildabeast & you will have the SC full of the biggest leftist imaginable. Get your prayer rugs with an order of tacos & hope that universal health care card reaches you before your malady.
LOL if it weren't so would be funny.