"I am not anti-British - but the Brits have become increasing leftwing: George Galloway, Red Ken Livingston, some wacko members of parliament, the BBC, etc."
Thanks for your reply. My previous comment was aimed more at Brian Allen, who consistently posts rabidly anti-British rants to these boards.
I disagree that the British have become 'increasingly leftwing'. In fact, if you contrast the situation in 1979 (pre-Thatcher) with today, the reverse is apparant. Tony Blair's accomplishment in the Labour Party was to actually make it electable again, by means of shifting it to the right and away from it's more socialist roots (although he still refers to himself as a socialist).
I wouldn't disagree with your characterisation of Ken Livingstone or George Galloway, but these are not modern politicians, they are remnants of the 1970s Labour Party, dinosaurs that are as yet not extinct. And they have always held the same views.
There are politicians in America who hold fairly left-wing views however and who get elected to public office. If I were to characterise the whole American people on the basis of Dennis Kucinich, Nancy Pelosi etc, that would be as inaccurate as what you are doing here.
When I see the anti-American demos in London, I get the impression that millions turn out - and that the government is terrified of its Moslem inhabitants. Am I wrong?