I would like to leave it out of the mix. Because the fact is, you and I will never agree if you're pro-life and believe that abortion should be illegal. We just won't. I don't think you're a nutjob - I think you have deeply held personal beliefs and I respect that. I, as well, believe deeply in my own reproductive rights and while an abortion is not a choice I would make for myself, I can't turn to a woman next to me in a restaurant and make that determination for her. I don't know her values, her morals - so I keep to my own principles where it involves me personally and trust that others keep to theirs.
Moreoever, I think that there is SO MUCH more on which Dems and Repubs can agree (I believe strongly that most of both parties are near the center) that if we reject the never-going-to-be-settled divisive issues, we could get on with meaningful things that have an impact on people's lives.
Just my opinion.
I, as well, believe deeply in my own reproductive rights and while a rape is not a choice I would make for myself, I can't turn to a man next to me in a restaurant and make that determination for him.
Do you think that minors should be able to get abortions without the consent of their parents? Do you think abortion advocate should be able to protect people who commit statutory rape? Do you think the only medical information a girl or woman should get about an abortion should come from abortion advocates who think there are no long term medical and emotional consequences to having an abortion? I've read artlicles posted on Free Republic about the high levels of infertility in Russia caused by the high abortion rates there. Do you think NARAL, NOW, and other abortion activist groups give a damned about that?
That doesn't answer the question. The Supreme Court amended the Constitution in 1973 using very poor legal reasoning. They usurped the prerogatives ot the people and the states to govern themselves. The federal government was founded primarily for the purpose of protecting the states from attack by foreign powers not for the purpose of centrally determing the social policies of the various states. If New York wants to have different laws from Texas, that should be their prerogative.
"I would like to leave it out of the mix."
I completely agree.
Let's leave abortion out of the mix.
Let's just make it all illegal, and agree we won't revisit the issue, 'kay?
Because that's the EFFECT of what you propose, but in the other direction. It is currently legal everywhere, without limits. I think it's murder. And I think that voters have the right to agitate for a system of laws they agree with. From my perspective, the 48 million babies killed in this country since Roe makes the United States about three times worse than NAzi Germany, morally. I don't think that gassing adults for their religious beliefs is morally worse than sticking a scissors into a baby's skull and sucking its brains out for convenience. Measuring morality by body count, the United States is a horrifically evil nation, in my view. Callously evil. Bored and fat evil, even, given the boredom with abortion as an issue.
Now, you are right, we are never going to agree on the issue. But SOMEBODY'S opinion is going to have to be the law. This is one of those binary situations where "live and let live" do not work, any more than "It's ok for YOU to burn minorities alive, but I'll just refrain from it and we'll be ok." It's not ok for me to do it, and I am not willing to let YOU do it either.
So, somebody has to win, and somebody has to lose.
You want the issue off the table, that's easy.
Let me win on it, let me outlaw abortion, and then we can talk about everything else. Otherweise, abortion has to be the issue which is decided by ugly brute force, because there is no other way.