It's both--Unions AND Wackos.
The Libocrats have a slight problem...which portion of their "base" do they make happy? The Unions or the Enviro-whackos?
If the Enviro-whackos win, the UAW will be out of jobs, move out of those strongholds of union bliss and there goes a HUGE voting block for the Dems. (especially in Michigan)
If the UAW wins the Enviro-whackos will find someone else to vote for. The Wackos tend to be a younger crowd and will be around longer.
"It's both--Unions AND Wackos. "
Bah. You sound like a lib:
It's not the fault of the management of the auto makers, it's the unions, no, wait, it's the libs, no, wait, it's both, that's it, it's both.
How about lots of blame to go around. Unions made stupid demands, management AGREED to those demands. Management made uninspired product lines. Management just assumed we'd keep buying crap.
The libs will actually be good for the auto makers, in some respects. The EPA regulations apply to everyone, if you sell it in the US, EPA applies. Healthcare will be socialized, and paid for by taxpayers. It will take the burden off of the auto makers.
Now about taxes... well, ok, I didn't say libs would be 100% good for the auto makers.
Management sunk the auto makers, the unions just took what they could.