Mr. Martinez already has a full time job, (U.S. Senator - FL), so one wonders how he could take on another job with full time responsibilities. It appears he was just named RNC chair to garner the hispanic vote.
Bur now we have the answer. As the title of this post suggests, Mr. Duncan is the one who will be doing the actual work.
And so, all that knee-jerking yesterday seems pretty stupid, doesn't it?
I'm sure the incredibly poor 2006 showing with the Hispanic vote played a role (unfair or not, anti-illegals comes off as anti-Hispanic) but I think Duncan was the choice, but he didn't want to do all the media crap. That's why they announced it in this order: to downplay Duncan.
Let's wait and see before we start slammin' Sen. Martinez or the GOP for 'pandering'.
At the very least, the GOP must start using every single quiver in their bow and arrow set if they expect to defeat the Democratic lunatics in 2008 and beyond.