"The elites that have been abandoning the people that built the party"
You only so many years to truly enjoy the spoils of the material world as an adult. Why not get what you can while you are here? Corruption is another word for "elected." The only true president was Washington, because he was already well off, and didn't want the job. Since then, the politicos have been haggling ever since. And they know what's best for all.
What we need is:
one term for the president. No pressure to get relected.
If 60% of successful his/her party base is fed up, then he can be recalled, and the party submits someone else to finish out the term.
Any judge that the president appoints, at the end of his term, gets an up or down vote from the party base. This keeps those lying scoundrels out who misrepresent.
Representatives get four-year terms, staggered. They can get relected.
Oh, and every kid in the summer attends jrotc, religious studies of their choosing, or works in a non-profit or charitable capacity. No hanging out at 7/11.
Sorry, as disgruntled as I am, I prefer the Constitutional Republic we have to your more pure form of democracy. There is a reason why the founders gave us a Republic and NOT a democracy. Democracy without any republican (small r) constraints leads to law determined by mob rule and tryanny sanctioned by the mob, without legal recourse.
I believe voters have all the "term limits" leverage they need - vote for someone else.