In the months leading up to the mid-term election, President Bush has said that he is quite surprised and concerned that many Americans aren't taking the war on terror seriously.
His concerns were verified by the fact that 2/3 of these unserious complacent Republican voters didn't show up at the polls. It was your typical run-of-the-mill mid-term election where only about 30% - 32% bother to make the effort to vote.
What an opening this provided for the RATS. All they had to do was count on 2/3 of the Republicans sitting at home ___as they usally do in the mid-terms___ and motivating their base plus the flakey, unstable independent vote. That's all it took to give them a narrow edge at the polls nationwide.
Now this is what we have from the 2/3 of the unserious Republicans who sat home:
78% Afraid Dems Will Harm US by Abandoning Iraq
Fox News | 11/13/06 Posted on 11/13/2006 9:15:05 AM EST by pabianice
Also, 69% believe Dems are swinging too far left already. Just shown on Fox. Newsweek/WoPo poll (I believe). How the !@#$%^&* can this be reconciled with last week's election?
Comment #2 Where were these dolts a week ago?!!!!
Makes you sick, doesn't it? It brings back that frustration from the state boards. I guess our marching instructions to our surviving pubbie reps is "obstruct, obstruct, obstruct." BTW, let's see how long the RATs wait before invoking the nuclear option in the Senate after the first republican filibuster threat. Is picosecond still available in the pool?