This is at least the second time you have posted this. In viewing the available voting statistics for California, it is evident that Republicans turned out in lower-than-average number and Democrats turned out in higher-than-average number. There is ZERO support for your contention that those Republicans that did not vote were Conservative.
I must say you are consistent in your attacks... always blame it on the voters... and always blame it on Conservative voters.
Never, never ask why people might not have voted. Always support Arnold as the good Republican, no matter how left he goes. And never question the message of The Minister of Information:
"What we saw and felt is that this is not the year you get a bunch of Republicans holding hands on the stage saying, vote for us, we're Republicans, we're a team. Part of Gov. Schwarzenegger's appeal is that he's not part of that team."
Some 31 million Democrats turned out and only 25 million Republicans turned out.
I guess facts really bother you, they interfere with your propaganda.
Ah, but if you tell a lie often enough...