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Compassionate Conservatism Lost ^ | Wednesday, November 8, 2006 | Herman Cain

Posted on 11/09/2006 7:25:30 AM PST by Small-L

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, likely new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and the media will portray Tuesday's takeover as a repudiation of President Bush's leadership on the war in Iraq. The public's media-tinted perception of U.S. progress in Iraq, and its subsequent willingness to vote for Democratic House and Senate candidates does not, however, fully explain the switch in party control. No explanation of the Democrats' takeover is complete without laying partial blame on President Bush's so-called compassionate conservative agenda.

The term compassionate conservatism was coined by University of Texas professor and World Magazine editor Marvin Olasky in Olasky's 2000 book titled Compassionate Conservatism: What it is, What it Does, and How it Can Transform America. In an October 21, 2006 Wall Street Journal profile, Bush's former chief speechwriter Michael Gerson described the president's governing philosophy this way: "Compassionate conservatism is the theory that the government should encourage the effective provision of social services without providing the service itself."

Bush's big-government policies have certainly transformed America, but they are not even in the same neighborhood as true limited-government conservatism. Worse, the president, his advisors, the Republican National Committee and Republican leaders in the House and Senate have alienated the party's conservative base of activists and voters.

Compassionate conservatism first brought us the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. NCLB further consolidated federal oversight of education in an era when local control was the mantra of conservative voters and Republican congressional candidates.

Compassionate conservatism gave us the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003. A Heritage Foundation report on the Medicare trustees' estimates finds that "Medicare's long-term debt, based on a 75-year actuarial projection, is now estimated to be $32.4 trillion. Of that amount, $8 trillion is directly attributable to the Medicare prescription drug entitlement." The prescription drug bill is one of the largest expansions of the entitlement state in our nation's history.

Bush has further abandoned fiscal conservatism on federal spending, one of the bedrock principles of conservative ideology. According to Richard Viguerie, author of Conservatives Betrayed, federal spending rose by 4.7 percent in President Clinton's first term, and 3.7 percent in his second term. Federal spending rose 19.2 percent in Bush's first term alone.

Too many Republicans in the House and Senate have enabled the compassionate conservative ruse by refusing to lead on true conservative solutions. The flawed structures of the Social Security and Medicare programs continue to consume a larger portion of federal tax receipts and will soon go bankrupt. The federal income tax code is an unfair burden on every taxpayer, yet few Republicans have joined the march to replace the code with a consumption tax. Our energy prices remain largely at the mercy of Middle East sheiks and South American madmen, yet our political leaders lack the will to authorize consumption of our own abundant oil and natural gas resources.

Now that Democrats have seized control of the House, and possibly the Senate, the president is poised to deliver the knockout blow to conservative voters, the conservative movement and the very Constitution itself. In a most bitter twist of irony, Democratic control of Congress would finally allow Bush to enact his amnesty scheme for the tens of millions of illegal aliens within our borders. Amnesty for illegal aliens is not compassionate, nor is it conservative. It is unconstitutional.

Compassionate conservatism failed America and cost Republicans control. Bush's guiding philosophy attempted to co-opt the liberal Democratic strategy of campaign to the right, and govern from the middle. To accomplish that feat one must pander to all interest groups, and hope the traditional base stays home on Election Day. If you recall, Bush's predecessor in the White House utilized the exact same strategy. He called it triangulation.

Conservative voters do not support moderate policy solutions, and they reject moderate Republicans who masquerade as conservative voices. Soon after Fox News declared Pennsylvania Democrat Bob Casey, Jr. the victor over Republican Senator Rick Santorum, Fox election analysts called Santorum a "compassionate conservative" who looks for government solutions to issues. Republican In Name Only senators Mike DeWine (R-OH) and Lincoln Chafee (R-RI) were similarly ousted in the Tuesday Night Massacre. Moderate to conservative-leaning Democrats also replaced many Republican House members.

Republican candidates lose when the party apparatus, whose goal is to win elections, abandons the conservative base, whose goal is conservative policy solutions. Just two years ago Bush and Santorum unconscionably endorsed liberal Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA), who was in a primary race with conservative Congressman Pat Toomey. Specter won the primary, but Santorum ultimately paid the price. In this year's Rhode Island Republican Senate primary, the RNC openly supported liberal Senator Lincoln Chafee against his more conservative opponent, Steve Laffey. Sen. Chafee is one of the most liberal members of the Senate and refused to vote for President Bush in 2004, writing in the president's father instead, yet the RNC still paid for ads in his primary race. Rhode Island voters were not likely to nominate or elect a conservative, but the RNC's actions were heard across the fruited conservative plain. Tap the brakes, Karl Rove and Ken Mehlman. You're not king makers.

Compassionate conservatism completely betrayed conservative voters and their decades of grassroots activism. Fortunately, all is not lost for the true conservative movement. Every House and Senate seat lost this year is an opportunity for conservatives to re-educate the public on true conservative policy solutions. The coming Republican presidential primary offers a similar chance for renewal and the possible emergence of a genuine successor to Ronald Reagan.

No voter turnout machine put in motion over a three-day pre-election period could have overcome this slap in the face to the Republican Party's base. Undoing compassionate conservatism's wreckage will take years, not 72 hours.

TOPICS: Editorial; Government; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2006election; compassionate; conservatism
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To: Small-L
The spin is on. Sure, we Republicans once again are doing the hard work, and the corrupt RATS step in on the last quarter and take credit for the new Iraq. Talking to a few returning vets, Iraq for the most part was doing great. New schools, hospitals, much improved Police taking more control and the military was getting up to speed and in excellent shape. Oil fields are up to speed and the oil production is as good as before the war. It did take time to equip and build a Iraqi Army with all the logistics needed to be successful. The careful and time consuming will prove to be a better Army. There were lots to things to overcome. The danger now is pulling out. The Iraqis have lots more to do and the terrorist are working like hell as a last ditch effort to salvage Iraq and become the third player with Iran and Syria. Our ignorant RATs have no concept, no plan, and in the ranks of stupid, they top the list.

The Government was moving faster than was portrayed. They had a lot of past to shed off their backs and learn how a democracy works. Look how long it took for us to establish a sound democratic form of government and compare it to the Iraqi.

One thing about the left RATS, they spent all those Bush years learning how to enhance their spin mythology. We are in trouble in 2008 and beyond because of the third party sucking votes that could be ours and RATS taking credit where they have not earned anything. If that is not corruption at its finest then I don't know the ultimate corruption.

41 posted on 11/09/2006 8:07:46 AM PST by Logical me (Oh, well!!!)
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To: Small-L
ust two years ago Bush and Santorum unconscionably endorsed liberal Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA), who was in a primary race with conservative Congressman Pat Toomey. Specter won the primary, but Santorum ultimately paid the price.

I was in Pittsburgh a week before the election. I don't recall seeing or hearing about Arlen Spector out campaigning for Santorum. I'm enjoying the delicious irony that Spector lost his chairmanship of the Judiciary committee due to Santorum's loss.

42 posted on 11/09/2006 8:10:21 AM PST by jellybean (Proud to be an Ann-droid and a Steyn-aholic)
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"We have no one to blame but ourselves. We had a great opportunity to formulate a reasonable immigration reform package, but the House stood firm in the face of dozens of polls showing Americans wanted comprehensive immigration reform...and wanted some type of path to citizenship for those already here. We blew it!"

That is absolutely false. The idea has always been, build a wall FIRST and prove sincerity about controlling borders, THEN work on dealing with those here. Don't try and pin the Troglodyte label on anti-ILLEGAL immigrant conservatives, it just doesn't fly.

43 posted on 11/09/2006 8:11:18 AM PST by FastCoyote
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To: meandog

Not true, the libertarian offers him a job. If he takes it, voluntarily works 80 hours/week when he gets paid for 40, asks for help getting into school, the libertarian helps; if he doesn't take the job, or doesn't care about himself, the libertarian lets him starve.

44 posted on 11/09/2006 8:13:23 AM PST by Small-L ("Government is not the answer to our problems -- government IS the problem." -- RR)
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To: Suzy Quzy; smoothsailing

Ditto Mrs. Irey in PA.

45 posted on 11/09/2006 8:15:51 AM PST by upchuck (Eventually the Islamofascists must be destroyed. The longer we wait, the bloodier it is going to be.)
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To: rhombus
This mythic LEADER must vocalize positions on these issues

And be able to explain to the voters why this position is the right course, economically and socially.

46 posted on 11/09/2006 8:16:02 AM PST by Small-L ("Government is not the answer to our problems -- government IS the problem." -- RR)
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To: dalereed
Compasonate Conservative is just a fancy way of saying i'm a socialist!

And as for Compassionate Conservatism, you are exactly right. That plus the Iraqi misinformation by the MSM and RATS did us in. Going to be a hard road to overcome in 2008, but if we get off our collective a@@es, just could be done. Remember, we have laid the ground work and the RATS will take credit by not doing much to upset it for the next 2 years.

47 posted on 11/09/2006 8:17:24 AM PST by Logical me (Oh, well!!!)
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To: Logical me

Sorry for the Iraqi post on this topic. Forgot where I was.

48 posted on 11/09/2006 8:20:32 AM PST by Logical me (Oh, well!!!)
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To: Logical me
...because of the third party sucking votes that could be ours ...

So what are we doing to retain those votes or win them back? The core agenda of the Libertarians (constrained government both fiscally and socially), and the Constitution Party (constitutionally constrained government), both lobby for the same thing: smaller govenment, less spending, lower taxes, less federal intervention in issues of the states and local government(education).

The message is clear: If you want those votes, then act like the conservative Republicans that you claim to be!

49 posted on 11/09/2006 8:28:25 AM PST by Small-L ("Government is not the answer to our problems -- government IS the problem." -- RR)
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To: Small-L
if he doesn't take the job, or doesn't care about himself, the libertarian lets him starve.

Yup, don't disagree, the point is that he had the choice...

50 posted on 11/09/2006 8:28:55 AM PST by meandog (While Bush will never fill them, Clinton isn't fit to even lick the soles of Reagan's shoes!)
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To: A_perfect_lady
Can we bring back Dispassionate Conservatism now?

No, but would you settle on Heartless Conservatismn?

51 posted on 11/09/2006 8:34:50 AM PST by Revolting cat! (Who invented rock and roll hiccups?)
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To: meandog

No. 26: a keeper!

52 posted on 11/09/2006 8:37:46 AM PST by Revolting cat! (Who invented rock and roll hiccups?)
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To: Txsleuth

Please..Kerry was not the answer to these issues in 2004...

53 posted on 11/09/2006 8:58:28 AM PST by Les_Miserables
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To: af_vet_rr
Nothing personal against Allen but I think he Burns, DeWine and especially W....symbolized the era of "big government conservatism" or "compassionate conservatism" or whatever you want to call it is now as dead as Custer's bugler...and I am happy about that. It was killing us as a movement and our country as a whole. Our forward deficits went from 20 trillion to 40 trillion in just 4 years. This wipe-out needed to be done...better now then 08.

Denny Hastert will now be replaced by Pence ....Hallelujah!

And if any presidential candidate for the Repub nominee even talks about "comprehensive immigration policy" without a fence being built will be toast without a plate.
54 posted on 11/09/2006 9:03:25 AM PST by Blackirish
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To: mak5

"This country could use a little less compassion and a whole lot more conservatism from this administration."



55 posted on 11/09/2006 9:07:08 AM PST by trillabodilla (Jesus Saves)
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To: FastCoyote
That is absolutely false. The idea has always been, build a wall FIRST and prove sincerity about controlling borders, THEN work on dealing with those here. Don't try and pin the Troglodyte label on anti-ILLEGAL immigrant conservatives, it just doesn't fly.

Well, it may not be what you wanted, but almost every poll for months reflected that a majority of Americans wanted some type of comprehensive immigration reform that included a path to citizenship and/or a guest worker program similar to what the President wanted. The fact that both houses of Congress were comprised of a majority of Republicans, and both houses passed immigration bills, yet refused to come together to even attempt to settle differences tells much.

While a comprehensive bill under the Republicans may not have been perfect, what we are going to get now with a Democrat congress will be far worse.

Apparently, they were too busy trying to amend the Constitution to bother with immigration, budgets, and energy. Nor did I use the term did.

56 posted on 11/09/2006 9:11:53 AM PST by MACVSOG68
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To: Blackirish
"And if any presidential candidate for the Repub nominee even talks about "comprehensive immigration policy" without a fence being built will be toast without a plate"

Unfortunately they won't have the opportunity. This will be passed into law in the next six months unless I miss my guess....Thank you "W".

57 posted on 11/09/2006 9:11:56 AM PST by Les_Miserables
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To: meandog
A conservative meets a homeless alcholic on the street who asks him for a dollar; he yells a few obsentities at the man for being a bum and a drunk then passes him by, ignoring the principles of the Christianity he wears on his sleeve.
A liberal meets the same man, grabs him against his will, stuffs him in his vehicle and takes him to a AA shelter which is supported by tax dollars (none of which the drunk wants) then forgets about him and tells himself he's done a good deed. Suffering from the DTs, the drunk later dies.
A libertarian meets the man and gives him a dollar to help buy a bottle of Thunderbird.

It's true. I'm a Libertarian at heart.

58 posted on 11/09/2006 9:13:58 AM PST by A_perfect_lady
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To: MACVSOG68; FastCoyote

Well, it may not be what you wanted, but almost every poll for months reflected that a majority of Americans wanted some type of comprehensive immigration reform that included a path to citizenship and/or a guest worker program similar to what the President wanted

I really doubt that. Show me 1 poll that reflects this please.

59 posted on 11/09/2006 9:18:13 AM PST by Blackirish
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To: Rakkasan1

Too bad freedom isn't selling to the sheeple. They want to be taken care of. Many would vote for an out-of-the-tyrant-closet brutal dictator if he promised them free health care and continued Social(ist) Security payments.

60 posted on 11/09/2006 9:25:43 AM PST by MichiganConservative (The US is so full of domestic enemies, maybe all we can do is slow the inevitable ascent of tyranny.)
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