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To: BeHoldAPaleHorse

Your comment is interesting...

Yesterday, we all had to read the carping about how "Ruch Lied to us!" as he sadly stated in his words that he was tired of carrying water for the republican party.

Now, today, we have to read your comment, accusing AC of causing the election problems.

The GOP lost because the GOP has floundered in its consrvatism. It isn't AC's fault for calling people what they are, in an effort to hold them accountable for their actions, nor is it RL's fault for trying to make a silk purse out of a RINO's ear in an effort to salvage what can be salvaged out of the 109th-GOP-in-a-skirt weaklings.

We cannot tear into the folks who motivate and educate the conservative movement whilst trying to prop up limp GOP candidates. AC and RL are essential media counter-weights to the MSM propaganda and have served conservativism well...very well indeed.

If you're going rip someone a new a$$ for failure, start with the candidates put forth by the GOP, then move to the RINOS who got caught up in scandals, then swoop down upon those who sat on their hands for the last two years.

But don't kill the messengers simply because they either tell the truth plainly, or color the truth to favor the conservative agenda, both are only done because the elected officials are the ones screwing up.

171 posted on 11/09/2006 6:10:54 AM PST by woollyone (We are travelers between the eternities- by His grace, may your eternity future be filled with Him.)
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To: woollyone
Now, today, we have to read your comment, accusing AC of causing the election problems.

I said she helped, and that she did so just to get a few more dollars.

It isn't AC's fault for calling people what they are, in an effort to hold them accountable for their actions

No, she was not attempting to hold Republicans accountable. She was working on spreading the mainstream media's meme that Republicans were irreconcilably split and disorganized. She gave them the pull quotes they wanted.

She handed ammunition to our enemies. She gave them aid and comfort.

178 posted on 11/09/2006 7:45:28 AM PST by BeHoldAPaleHorse (I dare call it treason.)
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