To: BonnieJ
If these "L" candidates weren't on ballots in every state, maybe Libertarians wouldn't vote at all,
Or maybe we'd vote Republican, like this Libertarian did.
Quit blaming Libertarians for the loss. Try blaming American stupidity, gullibility, and intellectual laziness.
38 posted on
11/08/2006 2:44:12 PM PST by
(Viva Espa?a!)
To: Xenalyte
Not to mention the 5th column... THE drive-by-media!
90 posted on
11/08/2006 3:34:20 PM PST by
(Preserve America... kill terrorists... destroy dims!)
To: Xenalyte
"Try blaming American stupidity, gullibility, and intellectual laziness."
Ultimately, that's where most of the blame is, especially the last two. After the Democrats find that "taxing the rich" wont get them all the cash they need for their new social programs, they'll hit the "next-to-rich", the upper half of the middle class, where a lot of these new democratic votes came from. And those people will deserve all the pain in the wallet that's coming to them. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson