KYL is NOT in trouble....he is the BEST SENATOR in the US!!
exit polls hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Kyl and Corker are not in trouble and will win.
But Talent, Allen and Burns need the 72 hour GOTV on steroids. They need massive gop turnout.
These are states that bush carried by 7,8, and 14 points and all three of them are looking like they will lose by 3-5 percent.
You can throw zogby's polling out. But realpolitics was very accurate on bush-kerry and all three of them have polling trends in the wrong direction and are in the mid 40's.
Gop needs to make a firewall in either virginia, missouri, or montana. Pick one of those states and use it as a firewall so you can not lose that sixth seat.
Gop wasted 8 million on dewine for that money think what you could have done in montana with GOTV.