When I was younger (and stupid) I seriously considered this. I got the packets and was really going to do it for money - I had just moved to AZ and was kind of poor. Luckily, I met my husband shortly after I moved here, and he was so strongly opposed to it, but I didn't understand why. Now I understand why he thought it was wrong and I share the same view. I think there are too many risks to the 'donor' to go through this, but it's not something the 'harvesting' companies tell you when you are thinking about signing up.
I suppose that IS an easier way of getting rid of debt than getting pregnant and having the child and selling THAT. /extreme sarcasm tag that shouldn't be needed but probably is...
Leaving on a trip today in a few minutes (just one day but that's bad enough) so can't do any pinging, just thought I'd bring this to your attention!
Well, it worked for Karyn. She was another X-er with massive CC debt who started asking people to send her $1 on her blog, and she raised tens of thousands of dollars. She also got TV spots, a book (and now a novel) and a movie deal out of it.
Selling your eggs may be going too far, but no one blinks twice at men selling their sperm to sperm banks, do they? Or do they? I've never looked into that issue.
I thought Karyn's solution to her problem was creative, but she also did the hard work of looking within and understanding why she was a spend-a-holic and lived too far above her means. I firmly believe that anyone can learn to use their money for good and not evil or self-gratification. And there's a big mental component to why people overspend that isn't nearly examined enough in our Consumeristic Society.
I think the chick in this article is simply a dingbat. It hurts like h#ll to have your eggs harvested. I watched a good friend go through it half a dozen times when she was tyring to get pregnant. It never was successful. ;)
when people try to sell souls, will eBay allow it?